This fall, residents and property owners within the District of Sparwood will face two referendum questions during the 2022 Local Municipal Election.
- Are you in favour of Fire Hall #2 Loan Authorization Borrowing Bylaw 1298, 2022 to authorize the District of Sparwood to borrow up to $3 million, with interest, over a period not exceeding 30 years in order to finance the renovation and expansion of Fire Hall #2 located at 1391 Ponderosa Drive?
- Are you in favour of Multi-Purpose Facility Loan Authorization Borrowing Bylaw 1300, 2022 to authorize the District of Sparwood to borrow up to $15 million, with interest, over a period not exceeding 30 years in order to finance the construction of a new Multi-purpose Facility?
It is important that voters have the opportunity to learn about the impacts of borrowing for each project and how their vote could affect taxes, and municipal borrowing thresholds.
The District will be hosting an in-person open house on September 29, 2022 at the Leisure Centre Arena Concourse from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm where residents can come learn more about each project from the respective project committees, and detailed information regarding borrowing considerations.
In addition to the open house, displays will also be located at Greenwood Mall, with staff available for questions during lunch hour on September 22 & 29.
More information can also be found by visiting the Election Page on the District of Sparwood website.

Clicking on Referendum Questions Financial Information – Multipurpose Facility and Fire Hall #2

And clicking the quick links, or scrolling down to find project details and financial information.

Post Date: September 20, 2022 | Category: News & Updates