District Councillor
Cell: 250.425.1298
Email: jchristensen@sparwood.ca
My wife Cheryl and I have been married for thirty-six years and have lived in Sparwood for the past twenty-five years. Our two sons, Adam and John both live and work in the Elk Valley. John and his wife Samantha have four children, Liam, Logan, Carsen and Janay. It’s a great place to raise a family, and I’m thankful for the chance to serve on Council to help sustain it as such.
I was raised in Raymond Alberta, which is located south of Lethbridge. It was and still is a strong, active, service and family-oriented community supported by the agriculture industry. As a child and youth I participated in the local sports of hockey, competitive swimming, football, and basketball. In 1982 we were the Provincial Champions of basketball. In the winters I cleaned troughs at the local cattle feedlot and in summer I pumped gas in Lake Louise. Raymond was also a town of faith, it was a part of our daily life, subsequently at 19 I served a two-year mission in the south east region of Ontario.
In 1997 we moved to Sparwood. I’ve worked at each of the mine sites within the finance department. I had opportunities to be the financial lead in developing and implementing the main operating system within Teck, known as AX; as well as leading the development and implementation of its current shared service practice within Sparwood. Within the community I’ve coached high school junior boys basketball for seventeen years; participated on the boards of Sunset Ski Society and Minor Baseball; provided office management to the Treehouse daycare and Sparwood Golf club; and served as a local ecclesiastical leader.
It’s always been clear to me that Sparwood is the place to live in this Valley. Sparwood is a good home. The same values of faith, family, work and health that I became accustomed to as a youth are strong and evident here. Over the next four years it is my desire that it remains the most liveable community in the East Kootenay’s. To do this we need to work in collaboration with Teck. As Teck grows to stabilize itself, Sparwood needs to grow and become stronger. We need to strengthen concepts such as, ‘work here, live here, hire here and spend here’. Our focus together needs to be that Sparwood is a healthy and active place to reside in for years and years to come. And that it can handle growth. All of the logical reasons exist for this to happen. A Teck central office would help to do this. Support for the development and maintenance of infrastructure and recreational facilities would help to do this.
I also intend to work towards encouraging and supporting our volunteers within the community. Our many community volunteers need to know that they are not alone and that their efforts are needed and appreciated. We have great indoor and outdoor recreational facilities in Sparwood, they need to be enhanced and maintained. This should also be a common goal shared by our local businesses.
This is the Southeast gateway to the Province of BC, I plan to determine how much the Provincial government recognizes that and works to maintain that.
Your tax dollars are hard earned and they need to be spent wisely and towards the sustaining and building of Sparwood. I intend to monitor and hold accountable those entrusted with them. Our work and workers always need to have the betterment of Sparwood as the intended consequence of their efforts.
Good people have sacrificed their all to build this community, it is up to all of us to maintain it and build upon it. Over the next four years I intend to listen to your concerns and thoughts and work with you to do that.
Councillor Christensen represents his community as a member of the following committees and boards:
- Parcel Tax Review Panel
- Socio-Community and Economic Effect Advisory Committee
- Municipal Insurance Association
Acting Mayor during the following months:
- July 2023 – October 2023
- July 2025 – October 2025