Allowing your cat to roam free affects not only you, but your neighbourhood too. The District of Sparwood encourages all cat owners to keep their cats inside or ensure that when outside they are supervised or walked on a leash/harness.
Under Sparwood Animal Control Bylaw 1289, 2021 it is an offence for an owner to permit any dog, cat or animal to be at large or off leash, tether, or other suitable restraining device unless in a designated off-leash area for that Animal or on the Owner’s property. Residents who are having problems with a nuisance cat are encouraged to speak to the cat’s owner. If this is not an option or has not worked in the past, contact the Bylaw Enforcement Officer at 250-425-5367, by email at or fill out a Service Request Form available on our website here.

Post Date: May 18, 2023 | Category: News & Updates