Sparwood Mayor David Wilks and members of Council were pleased to set the first paver in place, as Centennial Square, now to be known as Centennial Plaza, begins to take shape.
The project, which began in late May, started with the removal or relocation of old infrastructure and was followed groundwork to bring the land up to grade. Some delays at this stage were encountered as heavy rainfall challenged the ability to properly pack the material in place.
This fall, the contractor will continue working on site design components, which will allow residents begin to see the space transform. Landform, the contractors for the project have been working on completing concrete work, installation of irrigation & electrical sleeving, excavation for catch basins and the preparation for the placement of the walkway, which will begin with the paver positioned by Council.
“We are very pleased to see this project come together,” says Sparwood Mayor David Wilks. “The completion of Centennial Plaza will soon provide residents with a safe, accessible and family friendly space where many events and activities can be hosted. Centennial Plaza will become a location central to the activity in our community. It will be a location where residents can gather and celebrate big outdoor events, or families can meet to enjoy time around the outdoor fire pit.”
Centennial Plaza will combine usability with a beautification concept that focuses on elements of natural landscape and will be a welcoming and relaxing space for residents to enjoy. Designed with usability in mind, greenspace, seating and planters will see both functionality and character highlighted in the space. Lighting upgrades will also be completed and will add ambiance allowing the Plaza to be inviting, even during periods of lower light, such as the winter and evenings. The pavers will form a walkway around the Plaza, and become a place where anyone, no matter what ability, can easily travel in and around.
“We appreciate the patience of the public, as the space continues to be under construction. We are aware that for some, it may be an inconvenience to walk around the construction area, but with all change, there are always some small growing pains. The product of the temporary construction period will provide the community with a permanent space that someone who uses a walker or has a stroller can easily access and enjoy, which was a significant challenge noticed with the former design,” says Mayor Wilks.
This project is expected to remain on track for a completion on October 31, pending weather or other unforeseen delays.
More information on this, and other projects can be found at

Post Date: September 12, 2022 | Category: News & Updates