Join us in celebrating Local Government Awareness Week from May 15 to 21. We are excited to share why working for local government is great by presenting ‘A Day in the Life,’ of Sparwood elected officials and employees.
Mayor David Wilks

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
Mayor for the District of Sparwood
How long have you been in this position?
This is my 3rd term as Mayor for the District of Sparwood. I served as Councilor from 2002-2005 and Mayor from 2005 to 2011 and from 2018 to present.
What Committees, Commissions, Boards do you serve on?
I am Chair of the Regional District Hospital Board, Chair of the Hwy #3 Mayor and Chairs Committee, Director for the Regional District of East Kootenay, Board member for Local Government Policing Modernization Roundtable and Board Member for Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I am working in the municipal office for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours a day. I receive and try to provide answers to issues and questions received from residents as well as respond to emails and messages from other committees and stakeholders.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
Getting things done in the community which will be of long-term benefit. Listening to concerns from citizens and trying to resolve issues. Sometimes we can and sometimes we can’t.
What would you say to someone interested in running for local government?
-Have a passion for your community and bring ideas that will move the community forward.
-Come with a positive attitude.
-There are 7 people on Council, and we make decisions as a group. Whatever the decision we stand by it together.
-This is a 4-year commitment, and you must be willing to give up some personal time for the betterment of the community.
Anything else to add?
In my opinion Municipal government is the most important level of government because this is where the rubber hits the road. We are the level of government closest to the people and the most accessible.
We are the only level of governments that is nonpartisan, and therefore everyone on council can say what they want and are not dictated by party lines (although some larger communities do have political parties).
We are the only level of government that is required by law to balance budgets every year.
We are deemed to be the lowest level of government, but have the highest expectations placed on us.
Councillor Amy Cardozo

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
How long have you been in this position?
Nearly 4 years (or one full term).
What Committees, Commissions, Boards do you serve on?
Elk Valley Senior’s Housing Society, Multi-Purpose Facility Advisory Committee, Public Relations Committee, and the Parcel Tax Review Panel.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I am a wife and mom. I also own a restaurant and work there full-time. So, normally the usual working mom life is my typical routine, but I also get to talk with residents from our town about their concerns in the community. Often times, community members will message me on Facebook to ask questions or voice concerns about recent projects or happenings around town. I make it a priority to get them the information they need in a timely manner by researching District documents myself, or by reaching out to the Mayor, Councillors, and staff for more information if I’m unsure. I also attend Council meetings (usually twice or three times a month) to discuss ideas presented by District staff to Mayor and Council. It’s our job as Councillors to be the voice of our residents. Sometimes we provide guidance to staff to help them move projects along or other times we make firm decisions by majority rule.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
I love knowing that I have an opportunity to make a real difference in the community I live in. Sometimes it’s something small for an individual or group. Sometimes it’s a large project for the entire community. Sometimes it’s simply providing fact-based information on a Facebook post to clear up any rumors or hearsay. Transparency between the District of Sparwood, local government and the residents is very important to me. I am a helper by nature and this position allows me to do just that. It brings my soul joy!
What would you say to someone interested in running for local government?
I would highly recommend attending a few Council meetings to see how it all works. The procedure can be a little overwhelming at first but having some firsthand knowledge will take some pressure off.
Anything else to add?
If you’re thinking about running for Council and you have questions, feel free to reach out to me on Facebook or via email: The same goes for residents with any questions or concerns. I’m always happy to help!
Andre LeBlanc, Engineering Project Manager

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
As the Engineering Project Manager, I oversee the implementation and administration of capital and operational contracted projects throughout the District. I participate in short and long-range planning, department budget preparation, control costs ensuring the effective and efficient expenditure of allocated funds and ensure compliance with legislation and policies/procedures approved by Council. In addition, I manage other engineering projects/programs, maintain municipal engineering records, and provide advice and technical guidance as required.
How long have you been in this position?
11 months in my current position at the District.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day would include reviewing design drawings regarding the Districts upcoming infrastructure projects (e.g., roadways, waterlines, water wells, sanitary sewer, wastewater treatment plant, storm sewer, etc.).
Preparation of procurement and contract documents such as request for proposals, invitation to tender and service agreements for the planned scope of work/projects.
Onsite inspection of ongoing construction and future projects and chairing the Asset Management Committee to oversee, develop and maintain the program.
In my role, it is also my responsibility to act as the main point of contact for the District with consultants, contractors, and developers.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
I enjoy the diversity of projects I’m involved with which keeps things interesting and enjoyable. Being part of expediting programs/projects for the community in respect to essential infrastructure and services is gratifying. It is nice to bring conceptual plans into tangible assets. I also work with a great internal team as well as outside stakeholders.
What would you say to someone interested in working for local government?
Working for local government has been a good experience throughout my career so far. There is a good pension, benefits, professional learning / development opportunities, work environment and work life balance. It can get stressful on high profile politically charged projects or when critical infrastructure fails. I can’t speak for the many other roles/positions throughout local government, but I enjoy working for local government in the role that I am.
Bruce Doey, Utilities Supervisor

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
I am the Utility Supervisor, I am responsible for the drinking water, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, and stormwater systems in town.
How long have you been in this position?
I have been the Utility Supervisor for 4 months but have been on the utility crew for over five years. I have been with the District of Sparwood for 14 years.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical start for the utility crew would be to check all pump stations and the treatment plant. This includes pump hours, visual inspection of pumps and building checks. These checks are needed to make sure everyone is getting water and for when they flush their toilets everything disappears with no issues.
We also test our oxidation ditch (part of the sewage treatment plant) weekly to know when we need to waste our solids. This is important for the treatment process, to make sure we are in control, and that our effluent is clean when it gets to the river. The sewer plant has weekly maintenance that needs to be done to ensure it keeps running. Samples of the effluent are taken every week/monthly to confirm the quality of effluent.
Weekly/monthly water samples are taken to ensure the quality of our water, samples are taken from all 4 wells and from designated sources in the distribution system. In our water distribution system, we exercise all water valves, and check hydrants yearly. We locate water services, turn off and on as needed. When we located water leaks, we act quickly to have them fixed.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
I enjoy the challenges and variety of tasks my job offers. There is always more to learn and new problems that need to be solved. I get to work with a great team and some local contractors that make workdays enjoyable.
What would you say to someone interested in working for local government?
I can only speak of the Public Works Department. If someone has an opportunity to work with this team, take it. Public Works has a great crew of people that take pride in their work. On the either side of the Public Works team, within the utilities or roads and parks departments there is always something to learn and do and opportunities for training are provided. You get to do a bit of everything at Public Works, and you get to work outside for most of your days. I would also tell the person that you cannot please everyone. People jump to conclusions about what we are doing or think they know better, but don’t know what, or why we are doing these things. The pension is also a great benefit.
Cindy Paskiewich, Payment and Permit Clerk

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
I am the Front Desk Clerk in the Main Office.
How long have you been in this position?
4 years
What does a typical day look like for you?
I answer phones and direct calls, prepare tax certificate requests, maintain cemetery records, and accept business license and building permit applications. I am at the front line of the District of Sparwood Main Office, processing payments answering customer questions and assisting with complaints. It is important for the taxpayers to know they can call the office and get the information they need or want.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
There is always something new going on. I really enjoy helping people when they need it.
What would you say to someone interested in working for local government?
We get all the random questions, you really need to be resourceful, you don’t need to know all the answers, just where to find them.
Dean Spry, Fire Chief

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
My role within the District of Sparwood is the Director of Fire Services – Fire Chief.
How long have you been in this position?
I have been in the Fire Chief’s position since December 2016. However, I have held a Chief Officer’s position either Deputy Fire Chief or Fire Chief in a fire department in Ontario or British Columbia since 1991.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Well first, there is never a typical day. The duties and tasks can vary from day to day. Most days will deal with vehicle or equipment items or checks, or I can be busy with public inquiries related to fire inspections or fire code requirements, there may be an emergency response of some kind and if there is an incident, I will need to do a fire investigation of the incident to determine the cause and origin. A large part of my day will be managing schedules, reviewing plans or items that relate to fire code or subdivision regulations or concerns. There are numerous meetings that will happen throughout the week that I participate in that relate to training, emergency management, communications, fire smart, fire prevention, public education, health and safety, mental health, wellness, and community/school events.
This service is vital to the protection of lives and property within the municipality and the wellbeing, safety, and health of the first responders.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
I find local government can be both rewarding and challenging. You are dealing with things that impact communities and people every day and in a different way, depending on whether they are homeowner (resident), business owner or visitor to the municipality. I find that you are always busy and sometimes it is challenging to make everyone happy. You can impact how your community will progress and sustain itself.
What would you say to someone interested in working for local government?
I think the biggest thing that I can suggest is that you need to be able to not take things personally and be prepared to accept change with an open mind. Understand that you are doing your best to make things better for the common good of the community within the rules and regulations that are established.
Jaida Barrett, Lifeguard

What is your role with the District of Sparwood?
I am a part-time lifeguard and a swimming instructor with the District of Sparwood
How long have you been in this position?
I have been in this position for 3 years.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day involves teaching swim lessons, doing pool tests, and cleaning around the facility. Lifeguarding is important to ensure people are being safe and having fun in the water. Swim lessons are an important service to provide because we teach children and adults to swim and feel more comfortable in the water.
What do you enjoy most about working within local government?
I enjoy working in the community and building relationships with patrons who frequent the facility. Working in the local government has been a positive experience since I started lifeguarding.
What would you say to someone interested in working for local government?
It is a great opportunity to work with the local government because of the relationships you create with the community and your co-workers.
Post Date: May 15, 2022 | Category: News & Updates