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Mayor’s Monthly Editorial, February 2025

Soon Council will be seeking public feedback on the budget. Feedback is crucial and assists Council in the decision-making process, as various factors are considered when going through the steps to develop the financial plan. This plan guides the community in the years ahead and assists with forecasting, service delivery and achieving the goals and objectives of the community. When residents are involved in discussions about where their tax dollars go, they are able to gain an understanding of the costs of the services provided by the municipality as budgets reflect public needs and priorities. Ultimately, a budget shaped by community feedback is one that best serves the people it is meant to support.

Local governments are required to adopt a five-year financial plan in accordance with the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. The financial plan must be adopted prior to the approval of the annual tax rate bylaw. Unlike federal and provincial governments, municipal governments must balance their budget to zero, which normally results in an annual tax increase. If you do not increase taxes, then you must find something to cut back on, as costs inflate each year.

Council has the difficult task of deciding how the limited financial and human resources of the District are to be allocated. Council determines their strategic priorities and based on those priorities, District departments start drafting the budget, ensuring the necessary resources are allocated to support Council’s objectives. Following the development of their budgets, Directors and Managers meet with the Chief Administrative Officer and Finance management team to further review and revise these budgets. Finance then consolidates the department budgets, integrating key elements of the District’s finances, to create a draft budget that is presented to Council. When Council is satisfied with the draft budget, it is then provided to the public for consultation and feedback.

Council has reviewed and given careful consideration to the capital and operating budgets. The development of the financial plan is a fine balance between maintaining service levels and infrastructure, and completing important capital projects.  Following those discussions, Council then determines the tax increase that would realistically allow those items to be achieved.

Council will be seeking public feedback on the 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan during several events taking place throughout March.

Public Budget Consultation sessions to discuss the financial plan will occur on:

  • March 5 – 17, 2025 – Budget on Display in the Greenwood Mall
  • March 11, 2025 – Budget Roadshow in the Greenwood Mall from 10:00 am to Noon and the Public Open House taking place in Council Chambers from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Watch for more details coming soon on our website https://sparwood.ca and social media pages.

In addition to specific budget public consultation events, residents may attend Council meetings virtually via Zoom. Residents can ask questions of Council during Question Period at these meetings, as they relate to items on the agenda. your questions, comments, and feedback.