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Mayors Monthly Editorial, June 2024

Volunteerism is often referred to the glue that holds communities together. This is because acts of volunteering build empathy, bring people together and significantly improve the social, mental and physical well-being of community members.

In Sparwood, this can be clearly recognized as there are many non-profit organizations and groups that provide so much for the community. Whether it be serving others through the food bank or coaching local sports, volunteerism benefits all. Mayor and Council acknowledge and appreciate all the volunteers who give back to our community by sharing their time and talents, making a meaningful difference in the lives of many. This Canada Day, we wish to acknowledge Sparwood residents for their volunteer efforts with a free BBQ as a way to say ‘thank you’. Hosted by Council, we will take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the endless hours of effort that are given by volunteers. With free, family friendly activities to enjoy, as well as food, the afternoon is planned to be one where residents can get together, relax and enjoy each others company. 

Volunteer opportunities within the community are endless as there are many groups and organizations that are always looking for new members or simply a few hours of assistance. Most notably within the District is the new Recreation Facility Advisory Committee (RFAC). This is a select Committee of Council which will be tasked with exploring indoor recreation facilities and amenities and how to incorporate the current recreation facilities services with a new building. This Committee will play a very important part in determining how, or if the District will proceed with a new facility. Volunteers within the RFAC will be instrumental in connecting with their networks and the public to ensure all voices are heard. Recruitment for volunteers to sit on this Committee is underway now and applications will be accepted until Friday, July 12. Learn more about this opportunity at https://bit.ly/RFAC_Sparwood.

Mayor and Council sincerely thank each and every person who volunteers and improves the quality of life of those who live in Sparwood. We hope to see you at the Volunteer Appreciation BBQ, taking place at the Sparwood Leisure Centre from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Monday, July 1.

As always, Mayor and Council welcome your thoughts and feedback. We can be reached by visiting https://sparwood.ca/contact/.