From now until February 28, nominate a local Volunteer Organization and we will share what they are all about. Learn more or nominate by clicking the button below.
Find a the full list of nominated organizations in the drop-downs below.
2025 Nominees
2024 Nominees
Sparwood Golf Club
Why this organization was nominated:
The volunteers that make this happen, we have a grounds crew of 5, who put in over 1000 hrs. to maintain the course. The board of directors help with all other aspects of running the facility, including running of the pro shop and driving range, at least another 800-1000 hrs. there.
Established in 1982, Sparwood Golf Club is an immaculate nine-hole course located in the beautiful town of Sparwood, the heart of the Elk Valley. The golf course and driving range can be enjoyed by golfers of all abilities. Sparwood Golf Club is dedicated to serving its members, enhancing the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf.
Sparwood Trails Alliance
Why this organization was nominated:
They have consistently built new trails in the community each year improving outdoor recreation opportunities and aiding in diversifying economic development in Sparwood. The board of directors has done a fantastic job at trail expansion since their inception in 2016.
The Sparwood Trails Alliance (STA) is dedicated to developing and maintaining a first class, sustainable trail system in and around Sparwood.
The STA has many great events throughout the year with their upcoming Black Gold Poker Rally happening on May 25, 2024. Learn more or sign up here
Sparwood Food Bank / Food Share & Sparwood Toys for Tots
Why this organization was nominated:
Even though the majority of people in Sparwood enjoy an above average standard of living, some of our residents live in poverty.
The Sparwood Food Bank is a Canadian charitable organization which provides monthly food hampers to individuals and families which pass a means test because of their low income/economic status. Our Food Bank has 50 registrations which provides food to 150 individuals each month. Sparwood Food Share is a food recovery program which operates 364 days per year. Sparwood Food Share would appreciate the assistance of more volunteers as it is a massive program which benefits the entire community.
The Sparwood Food Bank has served our community for so long and the need is so great, that the board has recently purchased their own building on Centennial Street.
Elk Valley Minor Hockey Association
Why this organization was nominated:
We are so fortunate to have such a successful hockey program in our small town. Between Sparwood and Elkford, EVMHA has roughly 165 players each year. Hockey runs Oct-March but planning is year round. This association is comprised entirely of volunteers from the board of directors to coaches to the parents who help with a variety of tasks. Children get so much more out of hockey than just hockey: teamwork, dedication, FUN, friendships, mentorship and so much more. We are so thankful for the volunteers that make this happen
Sparwood & District Fish and Wildlife Association (SDFWA)
Why this organization was nominated:
There are a lot of behind the scenes effort and volunteer hours that go into maintaining and running this group. They don’t get a lot of local recognition and should. There has been exceptional monetary grants awarded to the SDFWA for the dedicated and genuine work they do.
Formed in 1918 as the Michel-Natal Rod and Gun Club, the SDFWA has evolved over the last century into what they are today. The name changed back in 1966 to the current one, but the values have remained the same. Working with local industry, organizations and government agencies they strive to protect and maintain the wildlife, fisheries and environment in our backyard. Some of the more recent initiatives we have been involved in include The Big Ranch Ecosystem Enhancement Project, Elk Valley West Bighorn Sheep Population Dynamics Study, Grave Prairie habitat enhancement, and the ongoing elk collaring and migration study. The SDFWA is always looking to attract new members and have an active youth archery program.
Sparwood Curling Club
Why this organization was nominated:
Curling would not be a sport for over 100 regular curlers and over 500 other curlers (in 2024 alone) if it weren’t for their volunteer executive and committees. The Sparwood Curling Club is completely run by volunteers and the club gives back to the community with any money they bring in from their social nights. This year they gave $500.00 to the local food bank. They are providing a scholarship to a graduating student from the Sparwood Secondary School. They provided the opportunity and money for our Junior curlers to attend the BC Winter Games, where two of the Junior members won a Gold and Silver.
The Sparwood Curling Club facilitates curling for all ages. The organization is composed of volunteer ice makers, curling coaches and bartenders. They provide a learn to curl program through the schools and via TECK leadership days. The 4 leagues provided are run strictly by volunteers. 2 bonspiels are held each year. Often the Sparwood Curling Club has been the home of regional and zone playdowns for junior curlers. Stay tuned for a big 50th anniversary celebration planned for 2025.