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The Purpose of the Zoning Bylaw

The purpose of the Zoning Bylaw is to control the use of land in accordance with the OCP. This document sets out the rules and regulations respecting land uses within the community, such as setbacks, building size and property uses. Zoning is typically designed to create compatibility between different land uses. The Zoning Bylaw can be amended as a Council-led initiative, or by application. 

Growth and change in the community can be managed effectively through policies related to the provision of infrastructure, services, and amenities and through the regulation of land use and development. Promoting compact, mixed-use, and high quality development will help protect our natural areas by reducing urban sprawl, eliminating unnecessary infrastructure spending, and fostering a convenient, walkable, and livable community. Two of the District’s main land use regulations are the Official Community Plan and the Zoning Bylaw, which are described below. You can review the applicable zoning of properties in Sparwood by viewing our interactive map

The District of Sparwood is in the process of updating its Zoning Bylaw. This document sets out the rules and regulations respecting land uses within the community, such as setbacks, building size and property uses. The current Zoning Bylaw which was adopted in 1981 has seen many amendments without a comprehensive review.  

The purpose of this update is to modernize the bylaw, check-in with the community and business owners on any potential changes they may like to see, and to ensure consistency with the District’s Official Community Plan which was adopted in 2015. 

For any questions or comments pertaining to the Zoning Bylaw or this project, please contact Planning at planning@sparwood.ca or 250-425-6271

Zoning Bylaw 

Some projects require a change to the applicable land use regulations in the OCP or Zoning Bylaw. If your project requires an amendment to the OCP or Zoning Bylaw, please review the Development Application Procedures Bylaw, and then contact the District’s Planning Department at 250-425-6271 or sparwood@sparwood.ca to discuss your project. You can also download the appropriate application form