- Council Portal
- About Council Meetings
- Register to Speak to Council (Delegation)
- Council Facts Newsletter
- Council’s Strategic Priorities
- 2018 – 2022 Council Photo Book
Council Portal
The Council Portal allows for improved transparency and access to information related to Council meetings, hearings, and decisions.
Council Portal allows users to:
- View upcoming and past meetings with the agendas, minutes, Zoom links and recordings;
- Subscribe to receive email updates and agenda notifications for specific meetings;
- Find contact information for Council;
- Search specific references and keywords included in any document uploaded to the system;
- View District Bylaws; and
- Report a Problem or Request a Service regarding:
- Bylaw Enforcement
- Road, Sidewalk, or Street Light Repair
- District Facilities
- and more!
Click on the Council Portal button below
About Council Meetings
Regular Council meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm (MST). The meetings are held at the Municipal Office, 136 Spruce Avenue, in Council Chambers. Council Meetings are broadcast live via Zoom and on the District of Sparwood Facebook page. Recordings of Council Meetings are available on Council Portal and will be broadcast on the local cable channel.
We provide a 10-minute Public Question Period following the conclusion of open business. Anyone wishing to speak at that time will be given up to 2 minutes to discuss any item of business that has already been considered by Council at the meeting.
Regular Council Meetings
Regular Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm (MST).
Meetings are held in accordance with the Community Charter and the District’s Council Procedure Bylaw. Subject to provisions in the Community Charter, all meetings of Council are open to the public.
Special Meetings
A Special Council Meeting is a Council meeting other than a statutory, regular or adjourned meeting. Special Council Meetings are open to the public, unless all or part of the meeting is closed by a vote of council.
Closed/In-Camera Meetings
In-Camera Council meetings are also known as ‘closed meetings’. Council is only authorized to hold in-camera meetings under the circumstances set out in Section 90 of the Community Charter. Closed meetings are held to discuss and make decision on matters pertaining to personnel, land, labour or employee negotiations, law enforcement, litigation or potential litigation and information that is prohibited from disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protective of Privacy Act. Prior to a Council closing a meeting or part of a meeting to the public, it has to state, by resolution, the fact that the meeting is to be closed, and the basis in legislation under which the meeting is to be closed. The public is not allowed to attend a closed meeting.
Register to Speak to Council (Delegation)
If you wish to speak to a certain topic, please contact Corporate Services or email your completed Request to Appear as a Delegation form to corporate@sparwood.ca in advance of the meeting to be considered as delegate speaker on the agenda. Citizens who attend Council meetings will have an opportunity to pose questions to Council on matters contained in the agenda or discussed at that meeting.
Council Facts Newsletter
Find out the latest news from Council, including their recent decisions and action items.
Council Facts is a publication by the District of Sparwood which summarizes the key decisions of Council, provides notice of upcoming meetings, and may contain seasonal information regarding municipal regulations or progress made on strategic priorities.
Council’s Strategic Priorities
The 2022-2026 Strategic Priorities Report was adopted on February 7, 2023. The Strategic Priorities Chart is a summary of those strategic priorities and is updated quarterly to communicate Staff progress towards the strategic objectives. It also allows Council an opportunity to review and identify any new or emerging priorities. The Organizational and Service Excellence Initiatives also contributed to emerging priorities within departments.
2018 – 2022 Council Photo Book