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Animals & Pets

Animal Control Services

The District of Sparwood is committed to working in partnership with the community to create a safe, healthy, and caring environment for animals and people. Whether it’s walking your dog on a leash, adopting a pet, purchasing a dog licence, reporting wildlife concerns or issuing a complaint, the District offers a range of services for animals and their owners.


None at this time.

Responsible Pet Ownership

All pet owners in Sparwood are responsible for the care and welfare of the pets they own. This includes providing adequate food, water, shelter, veterinary care and living conditions.

Let’s work together to be responsible pet owners and keep our public spaces clean by following these simple guidelines:

  • Cleaning up any droppings left by your pet on public or private property (including your own property).
  • If pets are fed outdoors, bring in any uneaten food as pet food may attract predatory animals.
  • Pets are safer if kept indoors, especially at night, as cats and small dogs can become prey to predatory animals.
  • Your pets must not create a nuisance to the neighbourhood.
  • You must licence your dog.

Ensure your dog is a good neighbour – control excessive barking

According to section 8.7 of the Community Standards Bylaw, “A person shall not own, keep or harbor any animal or bird, which by its cries or sounds creates Noise”. That includes persistent barking, calling, whining or other persistent noise made by domestic pets. Failing to comply could result in fines up to $450.

Stop and Scoop

Diseases can be transmitted to humans by direct contact with dog droppings and through flies and parasites. Dog droppings contaminate parks, playgrounds and other public spaces and pose serious health hazards to children playing nearby and to other persons and animals.

Let’s work together to keep our public and private spaces clean by following these simple guidelines:

  • Clean up any feces left by your pet on public or private property;
  • Clean up any feces left by your pet on your own property;
  • When you are out with your dog, carry a plastic bag;
  • Pick up the droppings left by your dog using the bag;
  • Place the bag in the nearest litter container and wash your hands as soon as possible.

Failure to comply with the above may result in a fine of $150 under Section 6.8 of the Animal Control Bylaw.

Cats and Neighbours

Allowing your cat to roam free affects not only you, but your neighbourhood too.  The District of Sparwood encourages all cat owners to keep their cats inside or ensure that when outside they are supervised or walked on a leash/harness.

Under Sparwood Animal Control Bylaw 1289, 2021, it is an offence for an owner to permit any dog, cat or animal to be at large or off leash, tether, or other suitable restraining device unless in a designated off-leash area for that Animal or on the Owner’s property. Residents who are having problems with a nuisance cat are encouraged to speak to the cat’s owner.  If this is not an option or has not worked in the past, contact the Bylaw Enforcement Officer at 250.425.5367 or by email at bleo@sparwood.ca or fill out a Service Request Form. You can also request a cat trap by completing the Cat Trap Agreement Form and submitting to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer at bleo@sparwood.ca.

Dog Licences

You must obtain a licence for your dog from the District of Sparwood before your dog is 4 months old and renew it every year in accordance with the Animal Control Bylaw.

The fee for a spayed and neutered dog licence is $15.00 and $30.00 for an unaltered dog. Please ensure that it is attached to your dog’s collar; otherwise, you may be charged a fine of no less than $75 and up to $1000. Dog licences expire December 31 of each year.

Benefits of Licensing Your Dog

  • It is easier to find a lost dog and return to its owner if it is licensed;
  • Licence fees are used to care for and feed lost or stray pets, and find a home for them.

Buy or Renew a Dog Licence

You can buy or renew a dog licence by mail or at the District Office during regular work hours. You are responsible for knowing when to renew your dog licence as notifications of renewals are sent as a courtesy only. Proof of spaying or neutering must be provided to qualify for the reduced fee. However, if you provide proof within 14 days, the difference will be refunded to you.

Apply for a Licence

Licences can be purchased that the District Municipal Office located at 136 Spruce Avenue, between 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Licence fee for spayed or neutered dogs is $15 or $30 for unspayed or unneutered dogs.

New Residents & New Dogs

New residents to the District of Sparwood or existing residents with new dogs are responsible for purchasing dog licences for all dogs within sixty (60) days of acquisition or relocation. All dog licences are valid from the date of purchase until December 31 of that year.

Who to Notify if your Dog Passes Away

If you have a current dog licence and your pet has passed away, please let us know by calling 250.425.6271 or emailing sparwood@ sparwood.ca. Your record will be updated so that you no longer receive licence reminders.

Bylaw Enforcement / Animal Control

Bylaw Enforcement OfficerAllison Strasser250.425.5367bleo@sparwood.ca
Animal Control OfficerAllison Strasser250.425.5367bleo@sparwood.ca

Off Leash Dog Park

The Sparwood Off-Leash Dog Park is located at 404 Lions Park Place, beside the ball diamonds (see map below). This space features 750 meters of forested trail and open grassy spaces for dogs and people to enjoy the outdoors.

Dogs are not permitted to be off leash in the ball diamonds or at large within the municipality, other than within the designated park.

Lost, Found or Surrendered Pets

I’ve lost my pet, what should I do?

If you’ve lost a pet, please call the Animal Control Officer at 250.425.5367 right away or go online through our Service Request Form and input all details into our system including your pet’s characteristics, their tag or microchip number, and when and where they were lost. When we receive reports of strays, we can cross reference the information you provided to see whether it’s your lost pet that has been reported.

In accordance with the Animal Control Bylaw, an officer may capture and take into their custody any animal found at large within the District. Animals that are not claimed by owners are assessed, and if suitable, placed for adoption. Dog licences are the fastest way to reunite you with your lost dog.

What else can I do?

  • Check Social Media sites for lost and found pet listings;
  • Check with your neighbours to see if they have seen your pet;;=
  • If your pet is micro-chipped, verify your contact information with the microchip company;
  • Post flyers in your neighbourhood.

What do I do if I find a lost pet?

  • Call the Animal Control Officer at 250.425.5367 if you find a dog or cat away from home. Report the animal even if it has an identification or licence tag, as it may be expired;
  • Check with your neighbours to see if they are missing a pet;
  • Post flyers in your neighbourhood and alert neighbours to help spread the word;
  • Report it online.

How do I claim my pet?

To claim your pet from the Municipal Animal Pound, you must:

  • Provide proof of ownership may be required;
  • Pay impound and boarding fees (and any applicable fines) for each day your pet was in the pound;
  • Have a leash or carrier to take your pet home in;
  • Purchase a dog licence if you don’t have one.

Impound Fees & Related Fines

The following table reflects all charges applicable when a stray animal has been picked up and impounded:

Fee or ChargeStandard FeesReduced Fees
Animal at Large$150 per offence$75 per offence
Dog License Fee$30 – $60 if Dangerous Dog$15 if spayed/neutered
Dog Tag Replacement$5 
Impoundment Fee$20/day + tax (Dogs) $40/day + tax (Dangerous Dogs) $10/day + tax (Cats & Urban Hens) $40/day + tax (Farm & Other) 
Unlicensed Dog$150 per offence$75
Veterinary CostsActual 

If your dog has been impounded, it is an offence to remove the animal from the Municipal Animal Pound without authorization from the District. Doing so will result in a fine of $1,000.00 in addition to the impound fees and other related charges.

Can I surrender my pet to the District?

Pet owners are responsible for re-homing any unwanted pets as the District’s pound is for impounding stray animals.

What happens if an impounded pet is not claimed by the owner?

The District does its best to find the owner of impounded pets. Notices of found pets are placed within this section of the website. In the event the owner does not come forward or cannot be identified within 120 hours of the time of impoundment, the animal may be placed for sale as outlined in the Sparwood Animal Control Bylaw.

The notice of sale will be posted within the adoptions page. No sale shall occur within 144 hours (6 days) of impoundment. Visit the adoptions page more details on the adoption process. Cats, dogs and other animals that are found, will be kept at the Municipal Animal Pound located at 501 Engelmann Spruce Drive.

Report a Barking Dog

How do I file a complaint about a barking dog in my neighbourhood?

If the problem occurs repeatedly, consider talking to your neighbour about the problem if you are comfortable doing so. Your neighbour may simply be unaware that their dog barks when they are away from home.

If that does not work, to make a complaint about a barking dog in your neighbourhood, you need to:

  • Contact the Animal Control Officer at 250.425.5367 or bleo@sparwood.ca or online by submitting a Service Request Form. When you call, you will be asked your name, address and phone number; the address of the dog that is disturbing you; a description of the dog; and the dates and times that the dog disturbed you with its barking;
  • Submit a complaint form noting the details about the dates and times of when the barking is taking place.

After you file a complaint

The first thing that we do when we receive a complaint about a barking dog is check our records to see if a dog licence has been purchased for that address. If there is no licence on file, we will send a dog licence application form to the property owner with a letter advising the owner that a complaint has been made. We will not tell the property/pet owner your name.

The Animal Control Officer will review the details contained in your complaint form and if the officer determines that an offence has happened, a ticket may be issued.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I spay or neuter my pet?

Pets that are not spayed or neutered increase the number of unwanted and stray animals in Sparwood.

Spay or neuter your pet to:

  • Stop their “heat” cycle;
  • Reduce your cat’s “marking” behaviour;
  • Reduce the cost of licensing your pet.

Will I be charged if my dog bites or attacks another animal or person?

The Animal Control Officer will investigate any complaints and you may be subject to fines if:

  • Your dog bites or attacks;
  • Your dog’s behaviour poses a danger to people or family animals; or
  • You don’t prevent the above from happening.

Dangerous Dogs, as declared by the Animal Control Officer, are subject to conditions and licensing requirements under the Animal Control Bylaw. Please see Section 4 of the bylaw for more information.

Penalties in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act can be up to a $75,000 fine and/or 2 years imprisonment upon conviction.

How many pets can I have on my property?

Properties within the District of Sparwood are restricted to:

  • No more than 3 dogs per property;
  • No more than 3 cats per property;
  • No more than a total of 5 pets per property (a combination of dogs/cats).

Does my pet have to be on a leash?

If your pet is off your property, it must be on a leash and led by a competent person. No animals, including cats and dogs, may run at large in the District of Sparwood. Failure to comply may result in fines up to $400.

Urban Hens

Urban Hens, are permitted in areas zoned as one-family residential.  Residents that are interested in keeping hens must apply for a permit which includes obtaining consent from adjoining neighbours, and getting approval for their hen enclosure and coop.

Permits must be renewed annually. Hens are not permitted on multi-family or mobile home park lots.  Up to five hens may be kept, roosters and other types of poultry are NOT permitted. 

Domestic & Farm Animals

The Animal Control Officer is responsible for animal control in the District of Sparwood. As a pet owner, it is important to familiarize yourself with the District’s bylaws around pet care.

The District’s bylaws are outlined in the following:

Injured Animals, Wildlife & Animal Cruelty or Abuse

We do not have jurisdiction on issues involving wildlife or animal cruelty. We can assure compliance to basic standards of animal care required under the Animal Control Bylaw, but the provincial SPCA Cruelty Investigators are responsible for the enforcement of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and wildlife issues are the responsibility of the BC Conservation Officer Service.

Report Abuse

  • An animal in distress (including wildlife) call the BC SPCA Animal Cruelty Hotline toll-free at 1.855.6BC.SPCA (1.855.622.7722) Monday to Friday from 10:00 am – 6:30 pm and on Saturday and Sunday between 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (Mountain Time). For emergencies outside of these hours, please contact the Elk Valley Regional RCMP Detachment at 250.425.6233.
  • Wildlife concerns (such as issues with bears or deer) or injured wildlife, call the Conservation Officer Service at 1.877.952.7277 FREE (RAPP)

Animal Restrictions

Properties within the District of Sparwood are restricted to:

  • No more than 3 dogs per property
  • No more than 3 cats per property
  • No more than a total of 5 pets per property (a combination of dogs/cats)

Farm animals (excluding chickens) are permitted within certain areas of the District, however, they are restricted to the areas prescribed in the District’s Zoning Bylaw that includes Agriculture as a permitted use.

Areas around Municipal water wells may have additional restrictions on the number and types of animals. Please contact us for more information.


Horses are permitted within the District on an occasional basis as long as they are securely tethered at all times and are not kept overnight or longer than 4 consecutive hours between the hours of 8:00 pm – 8:00 am.

Bee Keeping

The keeping of bees is only permitted within Agricultural zones.


The operation of kennels for the treatment, care, or boarding in excess of 5 animals are restricted to Agricultural and Light Industrial zones, with the exception of pet stores which are permitted within the Highway Commercial zone under the Zoning Bylaw.

Fines & Offences

The District’s Animal Control Bylaw states that owners must not permit their animals to be at large or unsecured, trespass onto private property, or become a public nuisance. Animal owners are required to remove any excrement left in a public place and cannot keep more than 5 animals (a combination of dogs/cats) on a property unless zoned as “Agricultural”.

The following table reflects the applicable fines when a person violates the above restrictions:

OffenseStandard FeesReduced Fees
Animal unlawfully on private property$150 per offence$75 per offence
Unsecured grazing animal$150 per offence$75 per offence
Too many animals$150 per offence$75 per offence
Unlawfully keeping farm animal$150 per offence$75 per offence
Unlawfully keeping bee hives$150 per offence$75 per offence

Note* Fines are reduced by 50% if paid within 30 days of issuance of a municipal ticket.