Public Notices

Public Hearings
Public Hearings are held in order for local residents to provide input that will assist Council in the decision making process related to applications for change to an Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw.
In accordance with the Local Government Act, a Public Hearing must be held after Council has given first reading to a Zoning or Official Community Plan Bylaw and before Council can give third reading to the same bylaw. More than one bylaw of this type may be considered at a Public Hearing.
Public Hearing Notice
At least 10 days before the Public Hearing is held, a sign is erected on the subject property and a notice is sent to property owners and occupiers within a radius of 60 metres of the subject property. In addition, a notice is published in two consecutive issues of a local newspaper.
Participating in the Public Hearing Process
Public Hearings are open to all members of the public. If you believe that you are affected by a proposed land use application, you may make a presentation at, or submit written comments at or prior to, a scheduled Public Hearing.
Everyone who wants to speak at the hearing will be given an opportunity, but those who have registered in advance will be allowed to speak prior to the floor being opened to all others in attendance. Members of Council may, if they so wish, ask questions of you following presentations. However, the main function of the Council members is to listen to the views of the public. It is not the function of Council to debate the merits of the proposed bylaw at the Public Hearing.
If you are unable to attend, or if you wish to submit your comments in written form, you may do so by sending your written submission to the Corporate Officer as follows:
IN PERSON: Drop off written submissions at the Municipal Office (136 Spruce Avenue)
BY FAX: 250.425.7277
BY MAIL: District of Sparwood, Corporate Officer, PO Box 520, Sparwood, BC, V0B 2G0
A public hearing may be adjourned and no further notice of the hearing is necessary if the time and place for the resumption of the hearing are stated to those present at the time the hearing is adjourned.