Invasive Weeds
Invasive species are foreign plants and animals that grow out of control in parks, gardens, and other areas. In their natural habitat they have predators and competitors that keep them in check. However, in a new place with no natural controls they grow un-checked in natural and urban areas.
What are noxious or invasive weeds?
Noxious weeds are non-native plants that have been introduced to B.C. without the insect predators and plant pathogens that help keep them in check. They can:
- Reduce crop quality and yield;
- Destroy native plants and animal habitats;
- Be poisonous;
- Harbour insects and crop diseases;
- Create unsafe conditions;
- Damage landscapes.
Have you seen these weed species around your community?

Spotted Knapweed

Yellow Toadflax

Please report these Invasive weed species to Public Works.
Why are invasive plants a problem?
Invasive plants are those plants that do not occur naturally in ecosystems in British Columbia. They pose a threat to our native environment and are recognized globally as the second greatest threat to biodiversity.
Specific impacts of invasive plant infestations include:
- Disruption of natural ecosystem processes;
- Alteration of soil chemistry – preventing the regrowth of native plants and economic crops;
- Increased soil erosion;
- Livestock and wildlife poisoning;
- Increased risk of wildfires;
- Interference with forest regeneration;
- Allergic reactions, severe skin abrasions and burns on people.
How can I manage the weeds on my lawn?
Sprinkle corn gluten meal on grass to prevent the growth of annual weeds such as dandelions before they have emerged. Specialized dandelion diggers are also available in gardening stores for full removal of emerging weeds.
How can I remove stubborn weeds between paving stones?
Boiling water can be used to help control a weed outbreak in between hard surfaces. For larger areas, consider investing in a propane weed torch or water-powered weeder, available at specialty garden supply stores.
How can I destroy weeds over larger areas?
Cover the affected area with black or clear plastic, secure to ground, and leave for 4 to 6 weeks (during warm weather periods). The resulting high temperatures will kill roots and seeds below the surface of the soil.
What alternatives can I use to sod?
When replacing lawn with alternatives, select plants based on:
- Native plant species
- Soil type
- Light conditions
- Expected usage
Mosquito Control
The District of Sparwood’s Mosquito Control Program provides effective management of insects through control of mosquito larvae in an environmentally friendly manner and to reduce the potential risk of West Nile Virus. The District of Sparwood has overseen the control of mosquitoes for many years. Businesses and recreational activities can suffer when the numbers of aggressive, daytime biting mosquitoes (known as ‘nuisance’ mosquitoes) rise to intolerable levels. The goal of the Nuisance Mosquito Control Program has been to reduce their numbers to tolerable levels using integrated pest management measures. Report nuisance mosquitos using the form on the right side of this page.
The Comprehensive Nuisance Mosquito Control Program includes:
- Surveillance of river levels and other environmental factors
- Monitoring of mosquito development sites and mosquito larvae
- Surveillance of adult mosquitoes
- Development of a comprehensive mosquito control operations plan
- Control of larval mosquitoes using the naturally-occurring bacterium
- Monitoring the effectiveness of larval treatment
- Public education and community outreach
The program targets the aquatic stages of the mosquitoes (larvae and pupae), which are found in relatively discrete bodies of water, as opposed to mosquito adults, which once they emerge can spread over many square miles. Potential larval development sites are sampled at least once every seven days from May through June to determine if any larval treatment is required. In July and August, the frequency of surveillance is usually reduced to once every ten to fourteen days.
If the number of mosquito larvae found exceeds prescribed threshold levels, larvicide treatment is initiated using BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis) (VectoBac ® 200G) which is extremely specific to mosquito larvae and has been shown to have minimal effect on other (non-target) organisms. The larvicide is applied as granules that have been impregnated with bacterial spores which emerge on contact with water. Mosquito larvae filter feed and ingest the bacteria with their food. The bacteria kill the mosquito larvae within a few hours. BTI persists in the environment for only a few days and is reapplied if necessary at ten day intervals. Mosquito larvae are one of the few organisms that possess an alkaline gut, and are capable of activating BTI – this is why BTI is specific to mosquitoes, and harmless to other organisms (dragonflies, ducks, dogs, birds, etc.) Treated sites will be checked within a few days after BTI treatment to determine if a new mosquito hatch has occurred.
Some important personal protection measures you can take are:
- Mosquitoes are most active between dusk and dawn. If you are outside in the evening or early morning, minimize your exposure to bites.
- Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants.
- Wear light-coloured clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark, intense colours. By wearing light-coloured clothing you will reduce the likelihood of getting bitten.
- Wear clothing made of tightly woven materials that will keep mosquitoes away from the skin. The use of mesh “bug jackets” or “bug hats” is also recommended.
- Tuck pants into socks and button shirt cuffs for extra protection.
- Use mosquito netting to protect babies, when in an unscreened structure, or when sleeping outdoors.
In addition to wearing proper clothing, consider using an insect repellent containing DEET or other approved ingredients.
What you can do / How to Prevent Mosquito Breeding:
- Destroy or dispose of tin cans, old tires, buckets, plastic sheeting, or other containers that collect and hold water. Clean bird baths regularly.
- Repair leaky plumbing and outside faucets.
- Clean out leaves and other debris blocking and holding water in roof gutters. Empty your pets’ water dishes daily.
- Water lawns and gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days. Empty or cover swimming and wading pools when not in use.
- Report nuisance mosquitoes.
To report instances of nuisance mosquitoes, get more information about the program, or about mosquitoes in general, please contact the District of Sparwood at 250.425.6271, by email at or use the online form. Please include your name, instance location and contact information when reporting instances of nuisance mosquitoes.
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus (WNv) is a mosquito-borne disease that cycles between mosquitoes and birds and can infect people and other animals through mosquito bites.
For more up-to-date information about WNv please visit the following links:
Health Canada – West Nile virus Information:
BC Center for Disease Control:
If you would like to report an unusual cluster of dead birds, please call the BC Interagency Wild Bird Mortality Investigation at 1.866.431.BIRD (2473). Reports will be recorded, assessed to determine if further investigation is warranted, and if so, guidance will be provided on a case by case basis.